Restauration de sites depuis Web Archive

1 domain recovery
from in HTML


4 stars and half Basé sur 12419 évaluations des utilisateurs
  • Un site Web HTML qui ressemble à 100% à la version archivée
  • Récuperation du titre et meta description originaux (comme en HTML)
  • Génération de Sitemap
  • Jusqu'à 20 000 pages ou 10GO
  • All References To Removed
  • Pages accessibles sur leur URL d'origine
  • Tous les fichiers CSS, Images, Flash et Javascript inclus
  • Plusieurs domaines pour $12/domaine
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WordPress conversion
of HTML files (per domain)


4 stars and half Basé sur 8736 évaluations des utilisateurs
  • Transformez les fichiers HTML téléchargés en une installation WordPress
  • Un thème WordPress qui a la même apparence du site Web d'origine
  • Intégration du menu : supprimez ou ajoutez facilement de nouveaux éléments dans le menu
  • Modifier les pages dans l'éditeur WYSIWYG standard
  • Garantie de la meilleure qualité pour tout service concurrent de moins de 150 $ **
  • Récuperation du titre et meta description originaux (comme en HTML)
  • Remplacement automatique des chaîne de caractères
  • Structure de lien d'origine
En savoir plus Buy Now
Unlimited archive recoveries
in HTML (per 30 days)


4 stars and half Basé sur 2840 évaluations des utilisateurs
  • Toutes les fonctionnalités du téléchargement de Html standard
  • Permet un accès illimité au téléchargement de Html standard*
  • Configurable pour créer des liens pendant le processus de téléchargement
  • Après le paiement, votre adresse e-mail sera ajoutée à notre liste d'utilisateurs sans restriction.
  • Aucun inscription de compte requis.
  • Accord d'usage non abusif *
  • Remise pour Intégration WordPress ($45)
  • $19 Remise pour les clients qui reviennent
Espace membre Inscription
Tous les prix sont en USD. Les e-mails et les paiements peuvent également être envoyés à l'adresse (PayPal): [email protected]

Téléchargeur sites existants

Téléchargement de sites existants


  • Pour la duplication de sites Web, la navigation hors ligne ou la création de sauvegardes
  • Jusqu'à 10 Go de données de site Web
  • Environ 20 000 pages
  • Tous les fichiers CSS, images, Flash, PDF et Javascript inclus
  • Assistance par e-mail
WordPress conversion
of HTML files (per domain)


  • Transformez les fichiers HTML téléchargés en une installation WordPress
  • Un thème WordPress qui a la même apparence du site Web d'origine
  • Intégration du menu : supprimez ou ajoutez facilement de nouveaux éléments dans le menu
  • Modifier les pages dans l'éditeur WYSIWYG standard
  • Garantie de la meilleure qualité pour tout service concurrent de moins de 150 $ **
  • Structure de lien d'origine
En savoir plus Buy Now

Features of the Wayback Machine Downloader

We are proud to present our amazing downloading software, which will enable you to get your entire website downloaded from the web archive: After we finish scraping the archive of your old website, we will send it to your email. You will receive step-by-step instructions so you can upload your website and make it work again. It's as simple as that!

All Existing Pages Downloaded from

Need the asset files as well? We will download all different files and file types available on the Wayback Machine. We'll also remove the Wayback header from all pages, so that nobody can see the website was retrieved from the web archive.

Wayback Machine Download Report

For every order we'll give you a detailed wayback machine download report, letting you know exactly which files were downloaded from Sometimes files are lost forever (for example some type of pictures) and in that case we will give you the reason why we were unable to grab the file.

WordPress Conversion

Do you want us to integrate WordPress so you can start managing your website with your favorite tool right away? No problem, we can do that as well!

*Fair Use Policy.

We will exclude you from the unlimited usage list, if you do not comply with this Fair Use Policy.

  • +/- 100 domains maximum per 30 days.
  • Average website size - in compressed format - should not exceed 500MB. To give you an idea: our own website is about 400KB.
  • Basically: do not rock the boat.
  • As long as you stay away from funny things, like scraping, you will be fine.

**Best-quality guarantee for any competing service under $150

Get your money back if you show us the results from another service that:

1. Provides an identical-looking website
2. Has the menu integration
3. Has pages that are editable in the WYSIWYG editor.

The WordPress integration costs $60. We are so confident about the quality of our work, that we give you a 100% refund if you show us results from another service, that delivers more than us and costs less than $150.

Refund Policy:

General orders

For WordPress integration we never give a refund – unless you canceled before we started working on it. This type of work involves at least two full hours of manual labor by one of our web developers. However, we will give you a refund in case we did not delivered as promised (less pages or a different layout), or if we did not fulfill your order within 14 days.

For regular html orders, we give a refund in case our service somehow did not result in pages that are similar to how the pages look on at the moment of ordering. In that case, send us an example of an html page that looks different on, than from the files as how we delivered them.

Wrong user input

If you accidentally used the wrong URL from, then we do not give a refund either. However, you do have the option to correct your mistake. Please send a message to our support with the correct URL - from the same domain. We will then deliver the results for that particular URL, free of charge.

Basically: we only give refunds if we somehow did not deliver what we promised. In the unlikely case that our results are not as promised on our product pages, please contact us. If we cannot solve such an issue within 5 business days - by creating a recovered website as promised -you will receive a refund.

Bulk Users

You can cancel your membership by contacting us. If you paid by Paypal, you can also follow this guide: How to stop payments on Paypal

In general we never refund bulk users who simply forgot to cancel their subscription. However, it depends a bit on the customer and situation as we do not like to compare ourseleves with evil corporations. If you have been a regular customer, we usually refund the last payment if you forgot to cancel in time.